Tuesday, May 10, 2011

warmin' up wednesday

it's warmin' up wednesday!  the weather has been b-e-a-utiful and when it's warm outside it makes people thirsty, right?!?!( my personal fave drink is sweet tea!yum!) ok, so , you are going to buy someone a nice little beverage today! whether that's through the drive thru, at starbucks, even at the little cafe at target! this is one of my favorite ways to make someone smile!:) 
me and my carter baby

when i did "toasty tuesday's" in novemeber, i can not tell you how many people made comments that they had someone at work tell them someone bought their coffee that morning! one girl said her boss came to work in the happiest mood ever and said " oh my gosh, someone paid for me when i went thru the drive thru this morning! that has never happened to me before!" and i guarantee you she has bought for someones since then!


2 weeks ago,after church, my parents went to red robin and when the check was about to come, the manager came over and told my parents their check (of 7 people) had all been paid for! the person that paid it wanted to remain anonymous! the manager said that he's never had that happen at the resturant before! how fun is that! my fam has been talking about it since!

now, go buy someone's beverage or meal today! i bet you'll be smiling more then them when you drive away!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Liv! Great idea! Someone did that to me a few weeks ago at chick fil a! I got to the window and the guy said the woman in front of me paid for me! I cried the whole way home! (thats what kids did to me....i cry about everything! lol!) Definitely makes you want to do it on a regular basis! ;)
