Monday, May 9, 2011

10 day give-a-roonie

i don't know if you did simply give's "30 day live to give challenge" but it was so rewarding and fun!  so, i decided to do a simple little "10 day give-a-roonie"!it is a few of my favorite ways to give! i am going to start it this wednesday may 11th! you can check back every evening to see what the next day's
"give-a-roonie" is!

if you followed through with the "30 day live to give challenge" you: called your mom and told her you loved her, you mailed someone a note, you bought someone coffee 4 times, you called your dad and told him you loved him, you visited your grandparents, did something nice for your spouse, spent quality time with your kids, did an anonymous deed, returned someone's shopping cart,gave someone a smile and compliment, gave your old things away instead of selling them,gave your waitress a 50% tip, gave your best friend a reason to smile, kissed your spouse when they went to and came home from work, invited someone to sit with you who was sitting alone at a restaurant, took your neighbor muffins, took an elderly person a meal, wrote a letter to someone in the armed forces,opened a door for someone, gave up a front row parking spot, bought a homeless person a meal, donated to charity, bought some a hat and gloves (when it was freeeeeeezing)!

 whew! that's a lot of stuff!!! when is the last time you did say five of these things? even one of them?!?!?!? some people don't even do this in a whole year! can you imagine if we all did one simple deed everyday! the world would be a better happier  place!!!

check back on tuesday night to see what your first give-a-roonie is!!!!

i'm ending this post with a quote from none other than oprah!:)

"I don't think you ever stop giving. I really don't. I think it's an on-going process. And it's not just about being able to write a check. It's being able to touch somebody's life."
~oprah winfrey

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