Thursday, November 8, 2012

30 day give: days 6,7,8,9 &10

why did i think that i could blog every night for 30 days when i have a new babe and 2 crazy little boys!? 

ahhhhh~ well, we are a tad behind on a few things! we still have our letter on the table to mail to someone with a stamp on it, waiting to be addressed, from day 2! we seem to be a day behind on 2 other days! we finally made it to the neighbors house from day 3, on tuesday night with pictures that the boys colored and chips and salsa from el camps for a snack and a chat.  then we drove through dunkin' on wednesday to pay for someone's coffee from toasty tuesday!! 

the most important things are we are getting things accomplished to make other people happy!
well, i guess tonight, hunter didn't make someone too happy! so now we will have to do extra deeds this week to make up for it! haha! my parents took him to home depot tonight and they had a huge scary witch at the front of the store. hunter asked what it was. my mom told him it was a witch and they are not nice! well, while getting a new key made, hunter looks at the little lady grinding the key and points at her and says "look mimi! she looks just like a witch!"  my mom said she was SO embarrassed!

looks like we will have to buy a few extra people coffee just for that little stunt! hunter, hunter, hunter!

ok, so days 6-10 that you can do through the weekend are:

6-make special time for your spouse-significant other go on a date, turn off your phones.  just spend time with each other.  if you can't get a babysitter to go on a date, put the kids to bed and watch your favorite show together!

7- while shopping this weekend, return someone's cart, share a coupon you have, or give up that front row parking spot! i am always so happy when someone does one of these, or all 3!:)

8- do something nice for your mailman! we love our mail man! he is so sweet to the boys! he is the same  mailman i had growing up! this summer, while unloading groceries, on a super hot day, we gave him an ice cream sandwich and that made his day! you could put a picture from your kids in the mailbox, or put a gift card in there for him! our mailman goes to wendy's and subway a lot on his lunch break, so even if you just do a $5 gift card to one of those, that would be so sweet!

9- do something nice for your parents! this past weekend, i had shawn's parents over for dinner and tonight i had my parents over! just do a little something to spend time with them or let them know you are thinking about them!
my sweet parents
my sweet in-laws  

10- compliment a random person. quick,easy and free! :)

have a great weekend

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