Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the cheerful giver

"you make a living by what you get. you make a life by what you give"  ~winston churchill

 i stumbled across this quote tonight and thought it was awesome! i asked myself what the last part meant when he said "you make a life by what you give" ...did he mean your/my own life or others people's life that you give to? i came to the conclusion that it means both!(well,it does to me anyway) if you make a life full of giving to others,how could that not make your life happier knowing that you are blessing people! and if you have been on the recieving end of a blessing,you know that just one little blessing from someone can make (or change) your life life! with the "30 day live to give challenge" (i so need to come up with a different name than challenge...it sounds so corney) only days away i just wanted to encourage you to get excited about giving!!  SIMPLY GIVE  with a cheerful heart!

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