Tuesday, December 6, 2011

5 ways to raise a little nice person

giving is something that everyone should be doing, including your kids!
 here are a few simple things that your kiddos can do to be  a blessing to other!

~give those toys away~
i don't know about you, but my kids have a ton of toys! recently i have been cleaning out our toy room about once a month and giving their toys to someone i know that needs them! plus, it's a great way to de-clutter! i just told my boys, " there are a lot of kids that don't have toys to play with, so go pick out 5 toys each to give to someone that doesn't have any" (and i always add some more)

(please don't pay attention to my tree, it was only part done when we did this a few weeks ago)

~dig in that purse~
 ~side note: a friend of mine took her daughter to the store the other day and they saw a bell ringer when it was freezing outside! so her daughter suggested that they go get the lady some hot cocoa! how sweet is that! instead of family movie night, they spent the evening driving to stores looking for bell ringers and handing out hot chocolate to them! her kids LOVED IT!


~dollar patrol~
when you head out to do some shopping, give your child a dollar, tell them that the dollar is to bless someone with! did you ever go to walmart and see the little kiddos there that looks so dirty and their parents only have in their hands what they can afford? well, encourage your son or daughter to give a dollar to a child!

~warm heart, warm hands~
have your child pick out an extra pair of gloves, and take them to school! if they notice that a classmate doesn't have gloves on, have them give them to the child!

(my little givers)

~smile and wave~
there seems to be an elderly person at every store we go to! i'm pretty sure hunter and carter make their day when we stop to say hi! make time, even if you are in a hurry, to let an elderly person gloat over your precious babe!

i encourage you to do one of these things with your kiddos this week! it's never too early to start giving!

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